Monday, April 5, 2010

Retire from Events!!!

All the while my semesters had been very hectic. Apart from the "mandatory" academic schedules, my time is fully packed with events which I had joined (as organizing committee, not participant or delegate), such as EDX, SPE, CONVOFIAR, CHILDPRO, OCM, TOASTMASTER, CASFUMAL, ICC, etc. I went to meetings almost everyday, even until 12.00am. My life is full of schedules which had grabbed off most of my free time. Yea I do admit that organizing events are beneficial, but overdoing it is really unwise.

Well after reflecting deeply, I had made my crucial decision - I already had enough experience and moments to be treasured while organizing events and now its time for me to retire for the very next sem!!! Though I had been offered numerous posts in many events incluing HODs, even PD and APD, I had reluctantly rejected all of them. I am just a simple person who yearn for a simple but meaningful life. I want a peacful, slow-paced life with good quality:

-study and do revision with own sweet time
-study with my EE friends everyday in common room (miss that)
-doing crazy stuffs with crazy peeps like Branson, Feng Jie, Andy, Alex, etc
-swimming is a MUST, jogging, workouts during evening
-cook good food (and they taste heavenly tasty after sport!)
-online and play some PC game before sleep

-study whole day until tired and bored
-then go for sport to "unleash the boredom!"
-or play my violin, drawing and producing some artwork which I really enjoy
-and sometimes Sunday evening is a hangkai-movie-swimming-eatouts day in Ipoh!

We live uni life only once, and when we step out of the campus upon graduation to work, we'll again face the hectic life where you once had had before in uni. And this time it is until you retire. So why wanna make my life miserable by organizing too many events? Control yourself, Wei Di. Don't be too naive and blinded by the posts offered; those are just workloads that burden your life if you don't like it.

People might say that by organizing events you can learn to lead people, carried out task efficiently and it helped you when you stepped out there to work. Yea it is true but I am simply different. I am a person that is ignited only by passion and duty. Now I see my passion in joining events is dying rapidly so I can't afford to join anymore as that would results in irresponsibilities in me after joining. I can't anymore give out much commitment as last time as I did. I realized that I had changed. But when come out to work its different, because its my main responsibility and I will do whatever I can to please the one that pay me salary. (I am kinda $$-orientated)

Anyway do not follow what I said, as different people have different way of life. Some people simply enjoy to be an organizing committee, while some don't. I am just sounding out my personal feelings.

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