Yeah, finally all the freaking examinations had over when I finished my Thinking Skill paper! Kinda happy. My first semester thus ended peacefully. Then I got my summons paid. RM 30. Ouch! Afterwards I straight away rush to my dorm, started my car and fetched Chun Kiat to fix his out-of-shape bike. Kinda ridiculous when we tried to stuff that enormous metal frame into my car. Failed and helpless, so we went to Taman Maju to to meet the repairman. However unexpectedly I met Fook Ann, KK, Leon and Han Shen, later Jeremy, Edmund and CK at the saloon. So I and Chun Kiat decided to had our hair trimmed. So did us. *this was the first time I had my hair trimmed with a little style*
Then in the evening we started off our trip to Ipoh. It was fun when you can go to Ipoh with such a BIG group of friends. I fetched Vittaya, Leon, Hanshen and Chai Shing, Then Fook Ann Fetched KK, Jeochim, Chikin and Jun Lee. *I stucked in the Petrol station!* On the way I sent my laptop and YeeWeng's to his house. We then headed to Ipoh Parade, and played bowling. Yeah I scored 2 continuous strike! There we met other "cars" of people, including Robert, Yee Weng, Boon, and Houng Ket. Later Ming Xian, Andy and Micheal. Edmund, Ritchie, Yu Han and Hena of course, too. etc, etc.
After the bowling half of us went for steamboat near Exceliar/Excelcer/Excelcier/Elixcer dunno what Exxxxxx hotel. Yeow Kin's suggestion. Thx to him for such a nice place. RM 21 per person. There we met with the Chemi-gruop, CV-group and my own PE-group (mostly). OMG I and Hanshen almost crapped out there. We ate with all our might when we saw some exotic, irresistible cuisine, such as crabs, clamps, "heko", prawn, all sorts of siputs and seafood. Of course there are the usual fishballs, crabballs, meatballs, ballballs...Yea I stressed on the yummillisiousness of the APPLEMINT ice cream. Chai Shing crapped out too when he used a GLASS to put all the colourful ice creams instead of using the normal small bowl. He'll surely gain weight. Hehe...
Round-tummied, me, Fook Ann, KK, Jeochim, Jun Lee, Leon, Hanshen, Chaishing, vittaya and Chikin proceeded our plan to a K-box. (Karaoke) in Ipoh Parade. All of us gone mad in the K-room. Soon Mingxian, Yeow and Micheal came too. I sang like a mad dog...and Jay Chou accounted for almost 90% of all the "sings we songed". Until 1.00 a.m., we were done and went for supper in Tongsuikai. But we ended up chatting and bought CDs instead of makan. Met with Yeowkin and gang. We then go back to UTP around 3.a.m. What a day!
Pangkor trip (3th - 4th)
Perak-Penang trip with Family (5th - ??)
MHS Penang trip. (22th - 25th)
Wahh... great outing u had there after Sem 1 exams! Enjoy puas puas!